Hi, everyone!
This week we’re doing something a little bit different. We’ve recorded a podcast, where we chat about our Christmas preparations and our plans for 2023. We hope you’ll enjoy it–we plan to do these podcast episodes every month or so, just because–well, we love talking to each other, and let’s face it: talking is so much easier than writing!
Please leave a comment if the spirit moves you to do so. As Kristin mentions in our conversation, we love your comments and learn from them! Some of you are further ahead on your empty nest journeys, and we reap the benefits of your wisdom.

Frances would like you to know she made a bit of Freudian slip when she was talking happy marriages. The wisdom she was trying to convey was “A happy marriage is one where each spouse thinks they got the better end of the bargain.” What she actually said was, basically, “My husband is a very lucky man.” Which, let’s face it, he is. (Just kidding: Frances has no idea how she ended up with the Best Human Being on the Face of the Planet).
We both wish you the happiest of holidays! Thank you for reading–and for listening!
Much love,
Kristin and Frances
P.S. Frances here: The lovely Christmas music at the beginning and end of the podcast is courtesy of Kristin’s enormously talented son, Jonah. Next year, we’ll get one of my sons to whistle “Jingle Bells”!
What a lovely early Christmas gift to hear 2 of my favorite friends chatting together. Got me through today’s walk on this cold, cold, cold morning. I enjoyed your discussion of repurposing rooms. When I retired, I turned the bonus room over the garage into my space. My desk is there as is my sewing machine.
For most of its life, this room served as the playroom and was painted Buzz Lightyear blue (yes that was an actual paint color name at one point). A few years ago, on a very snowy day before Christmas, my husband gifted me a room repaint to a lovely shade of gray. Which was wonderful. But, a few days before Christmas isn’t necessarily my favorite time to disrupt everything – move the furniture out, empty out stuff and then find places to store it for a few days. And then, there was the sewing I had planned out carefully to occur during that time. But I smiled and accepted the gift and the extra work in order to get a nice new room setup.
The funny part is now that this room is truly mine with only my stuff inside, I still struggle with what to call it. It was the playroom for so long so that this is the term that first jumps into my head. Calling it my studio seems a bit presumptuous and it is much more than my office so I often just called it the Bonus Room.
Merry Christmas to both of you!